Making money from link shortening: Learn about the top 3 ways to make money online

Making money from link shortening: Learn about the top 3 ways to make money online

Link shortening has become one of the most popular and best ways to make money online in recent years. It has helped to generate a stable income for many users around the world, especially in the Arab world. It has become an excellent solution for young Arabs to earn money from home online easily and quickly.

What is link shortening?

What is link shortening?

Link shortening, as the name suggests, is the process of shortening long links that consist of a large number of characters to short links that appear in a neat and concise way, through free websites dedicated to shortening links, which makes it easy to deal with these links and use them in various social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Links can also be shortened through companies that specialize in link shortening. These companies then add advertisements to these links. These advertisements appear first when you click on the shortened links, followed by the original website. Profit is made through visitors who click on these shortened links and view the advertisements.

These companies allow anyone to subscribe to them and start earning money from link shortening and publishing them with advertisers’ ads. This benefits the company with profits when these sites are visited, and the company then pays you a percentage of the profits it has earned.

How to make money from Link Shortening

How to make money from Link Shortening


Making money by shortening links is a relatively easy and simple way to make money online, compared to other methods. It does not require complex steps. First, you need to choose one or more link shorteners to start working. Then, you need to have your own audience to visit your shortened links.

  • Audience selection is very important in this field, as the key to making a profit is to get as many visits as possible. Therefore, you need to carefully select your audience and understand their interests and how to attract them to visit your shortened links. You can also increase your earnings in many ways, such as continuous publishing. This will help you get a large number of visits. For example, if you want to create a blog to attract the largest number of audience, you need to publish continuously on it. You need to publish many articles regularly on the blog, and the more articles you publish, the more visitors you will get.
  • You can also rely on YouTube to make money by shortening links. YouTube receives about 7 billion daily visits, which makes it a great opportunity for everyone who is looking for visitors to their shortened links. For example, you can create YouTube videos on a specific topic and then put the shortened links in the description. This will direct a large number of visitors to visit these shortened links and watch the ads.

How to Bring Visitors to Shortened Links

This is one of the most important things that a person should take care to secure before starting to shorten links. The essential and main thing in generating profits depends on the number of visits you will get from your shortened links. There are many ways to bring large numbers of visitors, the most prominent of which are:

Having a blog or website

How to make money from Link Shortening

You can earn a lot of visitors if you own a blog or website on the internet, by publishing your shortened links in your own blog or within your articles. This will generate a large number of clicks on these shortened links, thus generating more profits..

  • Participating in marketing forums

Although the role of marketing forums has declined significantly in recent years, they are still an important way to attract visitors to your shortened links. Collect as many forums as you can, then create an account on each forum and start sharing your shortened links on it.

  • Social Media Platforms

This is one of the most important and common methods for anyone who wants to get a large number of visits to their shortened links. You can share these links on various social media platforms like Facebook and others. For example, you can create a public Facebook page that talks about the interests of your audience, such as art, sports, or humor. Then, you can publish and share posts that relate to these topics while including your shortened links in them. This will help you get a lot of visits to these links, and therefore more ad views.

In addition: Through swapforless website, you can send to 7 digital wallets.

adfly: A URL shortening service

adfly: A URL shortening service


adfly is one of the best examples of link shortening websites. It is easy to use, register for, and navigate. To sign up, click [link]. adfly shortens long links to about 20 characters. The website pays you an average of $4 for every 1,000 clicks on your shortened links.

The cost per thousand clicks varies depending on the visitor’s country. European or American visitors are the most expensive, while Arabic visitors are the least cost.

However, the most important factor is the total number of clicks on the link. The more you promote your links correctly and effectively, the more you will earn. You can also withdraw from adfly either via PayPal or Payoneer, with a minimum withdrawal of $5.

For users in Syria, it is possible to exchange your PayPal balance to Payeer, USDT, or Perfect Money.

This can be done through swapforless website, which specializes in exchanging between digital wallets. You simply withdraw the funds to the swapforless PayPal wallet, and we will then send those funds to your Payeer, USDT, or Perfect Money wallet.

In conclusion,link shortening is one of the most popular ways to make money online today. swapforless, provides you with an easy and convenient way to withdraw your earnings. All you have to do is focus on establishing yourself and promoting your links in a way that is appropriate for your audience.